Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thread safe destructible event firing class in C#

Programmer Question

Dear Fellow Members,

Recently, I was asked to implement a class as part of a selection process. I did the program as requested. However, I failed in the test. I am really curious to know what is wrong in my solution. Any help is much appreciated. The question and my solution are given below


Implement a thread safe class which fires an event every second from construction. There need to be a function for finding the seconds elapsed. This class has to implement IDisposable and any calls to seconds elapsed function after calling dispose should fail.

My solution:

namespace TimeCounter
public delegate void SecondsElapsedHandler(object o, EventArgs e);
/// Summary description for SecondCounter

public class SecondCounter : IDisposable
private volatile int nSecondsElapsed;
Timer myTimer;
private readonly object EventLock = new object();
private SecondsElapsedHandler secondsHandler;
public SecondCounter()
nSecondsElapsed = 0;
myTimer = new Timer();
myTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OneSecondElapsed);
myTimer.Interval = 1000;
myTimer.AutoReset = false;

public void OneSecondElapsed(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
SecondsElapsedHandler handlerCopy;
lock (EventLock)
handlerCopy = secondsHandler;

if (secondsHandler != null)
secondsHandler(this, e);
catch (Exception exp)
Console.WriteLine("Exception thrown from SecondCounter OneSecondElapsed " + exp.Message);
if (myTimer != null)
myTimer.Enabled = true;

public event SecondsElapsedHandler AnotherSecondElapsed
lock (EventLock)
secondsHandler += value;
lock (EventLock)
secondsHandler -= value;


public int SecondsElapsed()
if (this.IsDisposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException("SecondCounter");
return nSecondsElapsed;


private bool IsDisposed = false;
public void Dispose()
private void Dispose(bool Disposing)
if (!IsDisposed)
if (Disposing)

if (myTimer != null)

secondsHandler = null;
IsDisposed = true;


Find the answer here

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