Monday, April 5, 2010

Should I use IDisposable for purely managed resources?

Programmer Question

Here is the scenario:

I have an object called a Transaction that needs to make sure that only one entity has permission to edit it at any given time.

In order to facilitate a long-lived lock, I have the class generating a token object that can be used to make the edits.

You would use it like this:

var transaction = new Transaction();

using (var tlock = transaction.Lock())
transaction.Update(data, tlock);

Now, I want the TransactionLock class to implement IDisposable so that its usage can be clear. But, I don't have any unmanaged resources to dispose. however, the TransctionLock object itself is a sort of "unmanaged resource" in the sense that the CLR doesn't know how to properly finalize it.

All of this would be fine and dandy, I would just use IDisposable and be done with it.

However, my issue comes when I try to do this in the finalizer:


I want the finalizer to release the transaction from the lock, if possible. How, in the finalizer, do I detect if the parent transaction (this.transaction) has already been finalized?

Is there a better pattern I should be using?

The Transaction class looks something like this:

public sealed class Transaction
private readonly object lockMutex = new object();

private TransactionLock currentLock;

public TransactionLock Lock()
lock (this.lockMutex)
if (this.currentLock != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(/* ... */);

this.currentLock = new TransactionLock(this);
return this.currentLock;

public void Update(object data, TransactionLock tlock)
lock (this.lockMutex)

// ...

internal void ValidateLock(TransactionLock tlock)
if (this.currentLock == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(/* ... */);

if (this.currentLock != tlock)
throw new InvalidOperationException(/* ... */);

internal void Unlock(TransactionLock tlock)
lock (this.lockMutex)

this.currentLock = null;

Find the answer here

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