Programmer Question
I am trying to follow instructions in Eclipse to create my first Hello World SWT application. I have problems on the first step. In the instructions the following is written:
Open your Web browser to,
navigate to the Eclipse Platform
project section, select the latest
release build, and find the SWT Binary
and Source download.
Well I am smart enough to "open my Web browser to". This I can do. But I am not smart enough to "navigate to the Eclipse Platform project section, select the latest release build, and find the SWT Binary and Source download".
Can anybody help me to find this "Eclipse Platform project section"? Should I click on "Projects"? If it is the case, what should I click next?
Thank you in advance.
This is typical of all MODERN development tools and platforms. They claim it makes your life and programming easier... well, even you get stuck at the Hello World!! And you have just downloaded and installed an eclipse toolset. Yet, they want us to download more just for a Hello World on SWT! Ridiculous-